Being Creative. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved drawing. There is something in all of us that yearns to tap into and express feelings and thoughts that exist somewhere in the hidden recesses of our mind/soul. The expression of those inner feelings and thoughts may not have always appeared to be very aesthetically pleasing or polished, but the raw expression of those emotions and thoughts were always enough to satisfy my longing to give a voice to the things that I struggled to put into words. The simple act of putting lines on paper and searching for forms, volume, ideas was so fulfilling in and of itself. However, ever since I joined social media platforms like Instagram, I have to admit that I have fallen into the trap of becoming so self conscious about how others perceive me and my artwork that I lost the ability to honestly illustrate and express what truly is in my mind and heart. As I examine the few technical skills that I have acquired over the years, I lament the loss of sincerity and transparency that was once present in my "cruder" drawings. So for the few that follow me, I have decided to try to post things that may not be as polished as I would like but express what is truly on my mind/heart.