Terrell Owens portrait revisited. Digitally illustrated/painted in Photoshop.
The original concept for this portrait featured a cubist approach to symbolically represent Owen's multi-faceted persona. It was originally meant to subtly address some of the controversy surrounding his career and highlight some of the pressure that he may have faced under the constant glare of public scrutiny. As a result, the portrait was mean to exaggerate, distort, and fragment his likeness into impossible, disjointed poses, with anatomical elements such as his neck, arms, and legs contorting under the weight of some unseen influence. During an initial review, however, an individual brought up some concerns regarding the proportions and exaggerated facial features of my depiction of Owens. Upon hearing the feedback, I was totally awash with a sense of shame and remorse. As humbling as the experience was, those comments and concerns ultimately helped me re-examine my illustration from a completely different perspective. It caused me to reflect upon my past experiences, and forced me to search for the possibility of any hidden, unconscious bias, stereotypes, motives that may have influenced my artistic choices. Though I never truly intended to perpetuate any racial stereotypes, I now realize that I should have been more sensitive and conscientious and lament the fact that I was so insensitive and blind.
This version explores a slightly more realistic interpretation of Owen’ likeness. There are portions of his body that were left unedited from the previous illustration due to time constraints; features that were deliberately rendered in an angular, exaggerated manner. I’ll be the first to admit that it was difficult to find the right balance between the “cubist,” angular style of the old version with the slightly more naturalistic style of the new version. In fact, a part of me thinks that the two do not mesh well. I think it may be due to the fact that those styles need to be pushed even more to their respective extremes. I hope to be able re draw the body some day and do the portrait justice. #neversatisfied #nfl #nflnetwork #football #sports #sportsillustration #terrellowens #to
The original concept for this portrait featured a cubist approach to symbolically represent Owen's multi-faceted persona. It was originally meant to subtly address some of the controversy surrounding his career and highlight some of the pressure that he may have faced under the constant glare of public scrutiny. As a result, the portrait was mean to exaggerate, distort, and fragment his likeness into impossible, disjointed poses, with anatomical elements such as his neck, arms, and legs contorting under the weight of some unseen influence. During an initial review, however, an individual brought up some concerns regarding the proportions and exaggerated facial features of my depiction of Owens. Upon hearing the feedback, I was totally awash with a sense of shame and remorse. As humbling as the experience was, those comments and concerns ultimately helped me re-examine my illustration from a completely different perspective. It caused me to reflect upon my past experiences, and forced me to search for the possibility of any hidden, unconscious bias, stereotypes, motives that may have influenced my artistic choices. Though I never truly intended to perpetuate any racial stereotypes, I now realize that I should have been more sensitive and conscientious and lament the fact that I was so insensitive and blind.
This version explores a slightly more realistic interpretation of Owen’ likeness. There are portions of his body that were left unedited from the previous illustration due to time constraints; features that were deliberately rendered in an angular, exaggerated manner. I’ll be the first to admit that it was difficult to find the right balance between the “cubist,” angular style of the old version with the slightly more naturalistic style of the new version. In fact, a part of me thinks that the two do not mesh well. I think it may be due to the fact that those styles need to be pushed even more to their respective extremes. I hope to be able re draw the body some day and do the portrait justice. #neversatisfied #nfl #nflnetwork #football #sports #sportsillustration #terrellowens #to